Love Your Neighbor
At Meadow Oaks, mission activities are a vital part of what we do, because they offer opportunities to share God’s love as well as help people who are in need.

Family Promise
Homelessness is a serious problem across the U.S., and Temple has its own share of families who are struggling to find secure housing. Meadow Oaks partners with the non-profit organization Family Promise of East Bell County to assist young homeless families, providing shelter, food, and transportation while they look for jobs and affordable housing. Four times a year, our church members provide a week’s worth of meals for the clients at Family Promise as well as encouragement and support for the parents and children.

Churches Touching Lives for Christ
Meadow Oaks Baptist Church is a longtime supporter of Churches Touching Lives for Christ (CTLC), a food pantry that offers groceries and household goods free of charge to low income families. Church members volunteer throughout the year to assist with the distribution of food and clothing and provide financial support for the non-denominational organization, which is a member of the Central Texas Food Bank network.

Missions Tree
Each year the Meadow Oaks congregation celebrates the Advent season by setting up a special Christmas tree; ornaments on the tree offer opportunities to purchase gifts for people, young and old, who are dealing with hunger, homelessness, loneliness, or economic hardship. From toys for children to socks and lotion for nursing home residents to warm coats for those who can’t afford one, these gifts provide a tangible way for our congregation to share God’s love with people in need.

Backpack Buddies
Each summer Meadow Oaks takes part in the “Backpack Buddies” program coordinated by Churches Touching Lives for Christ and Temple Independent School District. Church members sponsor the purchase of backpacks filled with grade-appropriate school supplies, which are then distributed free of charge to school children in low-economic areas of Temple and east Bell County.